The Lorem Ipsum Newsletter

#9: Creator’s Tuesday — September 13, 2022

Vahur Singa


Today’s quote of the week comes from Niels Bohr:

“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a narrow field.”


1. 10 Must-Read Threads on Copywriting

TanmayS_Chauhan started learning copywriting recently and has been a fascinating Twitter follow. He has been documenting hurdles and discoveries that any copywriter can relate to.

He’s now compiled a list of 10 copywriting threads from other professionals that he has found most helpful.

Those threads are amazing, and reading them could save a copywriter many months of struggle. I strongly recommend taking the time to internalize them.

As he admits in his foreword, it can be overwhelming navigating the flood of information online to build a solid foundation for your growth.

That’s exactly the basis for how he’s selected the threads in the post.

They help you with actionable steps of what to do and avoid in order to quickly progress in your journey of becoming an excellent copywriter.


2. New Revolutionary Social Media App

Chances are you’ve already heard of Bereal – the new hit in the social media market that recently became the number one downloaded app in the US.

It’s been documented that social media is bad for mental health if you don’t do it thoughtfully. Bereal challenges it in several ways:

Everybody gets a notification once a day to post whatever they are doing;

The feed is not curated, and you only see posts by your friends in chronological order.

The point is to fight back against the perfectionism that’s common in social media, which leaves participants feeling bad about themselves at the end of the day.

In Bereal, people are encouraged to post unglamorous, everyday activities and connect with friends who are doing the same – just being people.

I still firmly believe that social media could be the greatest tool for building scalable income online.

However, I agree that it has lost some of its magic as a tool for catching up and engaging with your friends, as most feeds are dominated by celebrities, businesses, and meme accounts.

For that reason, I see a lot of potential for Bereal.

What do you think – have you tried Bereal, and do you believe it’s an implication for where the social media landscape is headed?


3. Youtube Channel for Successful Habits

When it comes to Youtube, I haven’t found many channels which I’d proudly suggest to people who are interested in the topics I teach.

Recently I stumbled upon Marie Forleo’s channel, and her videos cover some of these subjects with great charisma. Although being successful and winning frameworks look different for everyone, she’s got great playlists filled with ideas that could work for you.

She covers topics like marketing strategy, developing successful habits, business fundamentals, increasing your revenue, and many others – in both video essay and podcast formats.

Check out her videos, and you might find the motivation needed to overcome a hurdle currently on your table.


4. Typography Terms Cheat Sheet

Here’s a blog post that the design nerd within me found very interesting.

Typography terms cheat sheet by NN Group explains different typography terms. Many of them I hadn’t even heard of, but they will come in handy in the future.

For example, I didn’t know what the words serif, orphan, or ligature meant in the world of typography.

Now I do, and there’s just something fascinating about having the right words for describing something we all observe but rarely think deeply about.

Discussions regarding text and poster designs will never be the same after reading this.


See you again next week.


Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. If your agency, company, or marketing team struggles with creating your weekly content and finding new clients on social media, I’d recommend considering my course:
    Content Production Masterclass: A 7-step system to attract a steady stream of clients online by writing a high-impact newsletter and outstanding daily content in less than 8 hours a week.
  2. If you’d like me to coach or consult you in private, I offer a 1-on-1 coaching program and a 1-hour consultation call. Learn more about my services here.
Sven Nuum
Sven Nuum
I don't know anybody who has deep-dived into content marketing and social media like Vahur. The way he writes using copywriting persuasion principles and communicates with his audience is outstanding.
Mihkel Vetemaa
Mihkel Vetemaa
Only some people understand the social media game and how to tap into human psychology to stop the scroll. Vahur is really passionate about content writing and systemizing it. It's surprising how his content always gets attention.
Mardo Männimägi
Mardo Männimägi
He is a charming person who knows how to listen. Vahur has given me great advice on growing my businesses and podcast. To grow on social media through content, you need to think strategically, which he knows how to do.